Full Time
Full time
means ideally a neuromuscular/electromyography rotation in a RCPSC (or US equivalent) approved residency program. Located in an academic center with opportunities to see the full range of neuromuscular diseases (including ambulatory, inpatient and ICU), to perform a full range of electrodiagnostic studies and to be supervised by a range of qualified neuromuscular and electrodiagnostic specialists. The EMG lab should have sufficient volume of patients with one or more clinics running daily for 5 days a week.400 EMG Examinations
400 EMG examinations
is to be interpreted that the candidate has performed a relevant history, clinical examination and appropriate electrodiagnostic studies (nerve conduction studies +/- needle EMG) on 400 individual patients with direct supervision. Studies must be documented such that the supervisor (or chief examiner on request) may evaluate the clinical case and electrodiagnostic studies performed. It is expected that candidates will have performed the majority of studies independently from start to finish but it is acceptable to count studies if an EMG technologist and/or an electromyographer gave partial assistance for some of the studies.Candidates must be able to perform all electrodiagnostic testing independently, if required. It is also acceptable for the supervisor to be present in the room providing appropriate teaching and feedback so long as the candidate still performs the clinical assessment and electrophysiological studies independently for the majority of the studies.
Full Range of Neuromuscular Diseases
Full range of neuromuscular diseases
means that the candidate should see at least one case in every main area of neuromuscular disease and be able to perform and appropriate clinical assessment, plan and perform independently the appropriate electrodiagnostic studies for that situation. Ideally no more than 250 studies (of the 400) should be in the common areas such as CTS, Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow, and L5/S1 radiculopathies.- Training programs
- Training programs should provide a structured educational experience such that candidates will be deemed competent for independent practice (see the CSCN EMG Entrustable Professional Activities). Training/educational experiences would include the following areas (adults and children):
- Anatomy and physiology of nerve and muscle
- Pathology of neuromuscular diseases
- Clinical neurophysiology of neuromuscular diseases
- Clinical diagnosis, investigation and management of neuromuscular diseases
- Electrodiagnostic medicine including technical skills in and interpretation of basic and complex electrophysiological studies and EMG.