Our Approach
EEG/EMG Examination Information
The Purpose of CSCN Exams in EEG and EMG is to assure and maintain a high standard of competence in clinical electroencephalography and electromyography across Canada.
The Canadian Society of Clinical Neurophysiologists (CSCN) conducts annual examinations in EEG and EMG and related subjects for those eligible physician applicants entering EEG or EMG practice.
Successful candidates receive a certificate by the CSCN and will automatically be eligible to join the CSCN as an Active member of the Society.
The Provincial Licensing Bodies and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada have been informed of this examination and of the objective of the CSCN to maintain high standards in the practice of Clinical Neurophysiology in Canada.
Our Story
Meet the Team
Write something about the people who make your business go or your philosophy behind customer service.
Why? Because people want to know who they're doing business with. It's a human thing.
Dr. Stephen McNeil
Clinical Professor
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
University of Calgary
Heather Dow, CPhT, CAE
CAPM&R Executive Director & EMG Exam Management & Onsite Logistics Coordinator
Kasandra Amaro
CNSF Finance and Administration Manager
Next Steps...
The Purpose of CSCN Exams in EEG and EMG is to assure and maintain a high standard of competence in clinical electroencephalography and electromyography across Canada. Visit the CSCN website to learn more...